Your hands say a lot about you. Have you, of late, looked at your hands, especially your nails, carefully? Jagged nails and chipped nail polish speak much about personal style. Spend some of you time in taking care of your talons. Here is how…

First and foremost, don’t bite your nails and cuticles. Keep a nail filer or an emery board handy to take care of chipped edges.

Refrain from using scented lotions on your nails as they tend to make them brittle.

Keep your nails away from harsh soaps or detergents. Wear rubber gloves when you are working at the kitchen sink.

When you are filing your nails, don’t file the corners, as it will make the nails more vulnerable to breakages.

If you want your nail polish to last longer without chipping, dip your hands in ice-cold water after applying nail polish.

Before applying nail polish, wipe your nails clean (even if are not painted) with nail polish remover. This will ensure that your polish lasts longer.

Give your nails some breathing time between polishes. Reapply and apply nail polish maximum twice a week.








Dear customers,
As a owner of this shop, I would like to thank everyone who came to our shop for the grand opening and support our business.

Since we open on the 19th Nov 2008, we not only have our friends to support us, but also have got regular customers live in Yong He villa, Guan Shu Yuan Apartment Block etc and they are very impressed by our service.

We would like you to leave us a message, so that we can improve our business.

Thanks again and Merry Christmas to all of you!

Best Regards,
Nancy and Ge Ge

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